Jan 18, 2023Liked by The Agonist

The fact that this definition has to be clarified at all is both laughably pathetic and heartbreaking. This culture is so decieved, and the girls growing up today are being fed nonsense that will literally destroy their lives because the generation before them didn't have the sense to protect them from it. So yes, there is actual truth. Yes, we are actually human females. And yes, God made us that way and called it GOOD! We should too!

End rant. πŸ™‚

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by The Agonist

It is unbelievable that we have to read this! To understand one's identity and gender .

My heart is broken , may God have mercy on us . Thank you Job!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by The Agonist

Just today, I came across the phrases "the partner with a penis" and "the partner with a vagina", because apparently our reproductive organs no longer determine what gender we are.

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